Sunday, March 25, 2012


My vocabulary ain't very big. I use simple words. I talk pretty one day. But, alas, my time has come to embrace the words I learned over the years in actual sentences. Or, more to my point, in word games.

I've played scrabble for years, but mostly as a kid. Where I used words like, hi, him, one, two, ax, axe (oooo, a varient!), it and other words of a child my age that was educated in public school. Once I tried to use the word 'Oreo' in a game with my Grandma, but she slammed me hard on the rule where we couldn't use proper nouns. She was a tough scrabble player, even when I was 8. I still have nightmares....

Anyway, the age of social networking has stolen the gaming concept of Scrabble and now calls it Words with Friends. I play this game often and get my ass handed to me by my friends on a regular basis. And while I win once in awhile, its usually luck - got a triple word or letter with an X and stuff like that. But today is different.

Today is not about winning. It's about the fact I was able to use ALL 7 tiles to create a word that I knew. I starred at my letters on and off for a while trying to figure out what to with them. And then I saw it. 'Throne' I know you're saying, "Hey, you said you used all 7! What's the deal?" I did use all 7, but I had to start somewhere. Actually I what I saw was, TH<blank>ONEN". Once I had that, I just had to find a place to put THRONE on the board (because Thronen isn't a word). But in looking, my spaces were limited, but I continued to look and look.

And there it was. There was an available 'E' on the board. And that's when it came together - ENTHRONED. I trembled as I dragged the letters from my tray to the board. I dropped a letter part way because I was sweating (the iPad doens't like wetness, although I do!). But eventually I placed the word on the board. But before I pressed the Play button, I had to run around my apartment showing everyone what I was about to do. Tears streaking down my eyes in happiness.

61 points! Take that Grandma!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's Raining at Indian Wells

No matter what the weather - hot, warm, cold, raining, windy - it's always good to be at the beach. I know you probably don't care, but for me, the beach is about relaxation, laziness, and actually staying on the beach so I can see and hear the ocean all day and all night long.

The beach is a time to read, write, podcast (or not), reorganize, reevaluate and create new ideas. It's also the time for overpriced buffet's with lots o' crab legs (and I do mean lots) and scary frog legs, a time for butt fuzzies (from the trip to and from), a time to watch wild dolphins in the surf, watch the birds guard the beach and dead jelly fish wash up along the shoreline *sniff*. It's also a good time for sleeping, Tai Chi and meditation, but not all at the same time.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Some days the water is rough, some days it's calm as can be - the wind may pick you up and carry you away or be just enough to cool you down. No matter what, the beach is the place to be, unless there is a hurricane coming. Then get as far away as possible.

And of course, time to spend with the ones you love (and possibly some you don't).

That's all for today, sorry you had to read it.