I've been delaying my report on Dragon*Con this year for a few reasons, none of which I will share with you at this time. I was going to report on the panels I attended, the bands I heard, the costumes I saw, the celebrities I talked with in the bar, and the general party atmosphere over 4 days, 3 nights, 3 hotel conference centers, and various hotel rooms. But instead I'm going to sum up Dragon*Con in a different way
Dragon*Con is for Whores. I don't mean this in a bad way. I'm a whore. That's what I went there to do. I went to party and push my website, t-shirts and books. I gave away buttons with my website logo and business cards left and write. I was a whore for my website. But I'm not the only one. About 95% of the people at Dragon*Con are there to whore themselves or their business.
Every single Dragon*Con attendee is one or more of the following:
In costume (in your underwear, almost naked or wearing a kilt count)
A director of a major motion picture
A director of a soon to be major motion picture
A directory of photography of a soon to be major motion picture
A writer
A “writer/director” of a fan film (and I use all of those terms loosely)
An artist
Selling product (books, movies, stuff, pictures of themselves, etc)
Selling themselves (stars, bands, girls with candy bras, etc)
Someone wanting to see/buy any of the above (this is only 5% of the people).
And I can't wait to do it again next year.
Oh yes, I almost forgot - Dragon*Con should be called "Breast*Con".