Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dragon*Con 2006 - The Report

I've been delaying my report on Dragon*Con this year for a few reasons, none of which I will share with you at this time. I was going to report on the panels I attended, the bands I heard, the costumes I saw, the celebrities I talked with in the bar, and the general party atmosphere over 4 days, 3 nights, 3 hotel conference centers, and various hotel rooms. But instead I'm going to sum up Dragon*Con in a different way

Dragon*Con is for Whores. I don't mean this in a bad way. I'm a whore. That's what I went there to do. I went to party and push my website, t-shirts and books. I gave away buttons with my website logo and business cards left and write. I was a whore for my website. But I'm not the only one. About 95% of the people at Dragon*Con are there to whore themselves or their business.

Every single Dragon*Con attendee is one or more of the following:

  • In costume (in your underwear, almost naked or wearing a kilt count)

  • A director of a major motion picture

  • A director of a soon to be major motion picture

  • A directory of photography of a soon to be major motion picture

  • A writer

  • A “writer/director” of a fan film (and I use all of those terms loosely)

  • An artist

  • Selling product (books, movies, stuff, pictures of themselves, etc)

  • Selling themselves (stars, bands, girls with candy bras, etc)

  • Someone wanting to see/buy any of the above (this is only 5% of the people).

And I can't wait to do it again next year.

Oh yes, I almost forgot - Dragon*Con should be called "Breast*Con".

Saturday, September 16, 2006

What? Huh?

Recent times have been disorienting.
Lots of things spinning around.
Confusion hits me at every turn.

Where was I?

Monday, September 4, 2006

Dragon*Con, Shout Outs

Dragon*Con is over. I have returned, but I have not recovered from the experiences (Imay be hungover for several days). Updates will be posted in here, along with a page of pictures - all will be posted by the end of the week.

I handed out a lot of buttons and cards, if you got any of these and have found your way to this site, please use this Contact Us link or post on the Regis Jack MySpace page.

Iwould like to send his applogies to the girl I met on the 21st floor on Saturday. I did come back to check on you but you were gone. Sorry it took so long for me to return (I blame Jay).

One more thing, if you have a picture of me in some compromising position, I would love to see them and use them for X-mas cards.