Monday, December 14, 2009

Taking a Podcast Break till 2010

Since June 29, 2008, I have been recording a weekly podcast and only twice in 74 episodes have I completely missed my mark and did not post one.  And while I have successfully recorded many episodes, sometimes I’ve struggled to get it recorded and posted for all to hear.  Well now the struggle is over as I am going to take a break.  While I consider this a monumental failure on my part, please consider the next 3 weeks (maybe a few more) a vacation from listening to my voice and be glad to have 40 minutes a week back in your life to do something more productive.

But don’t worry.  Although I don’t know the exact return date or schedule for the show, I WILL podcast again. This is because I, like Dexter Morgan, have a dark passenger that is always there, lurking, hiding and waiting to get out.  My passenger is creativity, not killing people, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the same power over me as his has over him.

To keep you entertained, here are a myriad of reasons why I struggle to record a podcast on any given week.  They are in no particular order:

  • There is a holiday like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Independence Day, Arbor Day, etc and I’m spending time preparing for them and spending time with the family. This includes some birthdays (significant ones, not the piddly little ones).

  • I’m on vacation in some remote location with no internet access with a beautiful woman and she demands all my attention.

  • Sometimes it’s best to get away from the online world and live in the real one.

  • I’m in jail. Hey, shit happens.

  • Work. Any work that involves getting paid will take priority over podcasting which pays nada.

  • I’m sick, injured or dead. I might be able to podcast from beyond the grave - I’ll work on that.

  • Technical difficulties. This includes computer malfunctions, software issues, internet issues, hosting issues and/or website issues.

  • I’m attending some really cool event, con, or award ceremony where I am the center of attention.

  • There’s a naked girl.

  • Sometimes I just don’t care.

That’s the way I see it and I’m so sorry you had to read it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blogging Hell

I started blogging many years ago, long before it was called blogging.  My first “blog” was an essay about how any pathetic loser (including myself) could make themselves a web page, express themselves for all to see and completely mess up the ability for search engines to return useful information.  And while that was true all those years ago, it is even worse now.

Ever since mainstream Web 2.0 threw up on pop culture with MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, Plurk, Identica, Rejaw, Laconica, Friendfeed and a myriad of other similar services, it has allowed every moron and their pets to think they are bloggers as they express themselves in status messages that are about 140 characters long.  This phenomena, known as microblogging, has been the worse thing to hit the internet since HTTP.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm Afraid of Americans

I’ve always said I’m not political.  And when I say that I mean I’m not a republican, democrat, liberal, or even a conservative.  As a matter of fact, I don’t even know what it means to be republican or democrat.  And that’s because I believe in freedom, safety, privacy, the pursuit of happiness and common sense - most of which has nothing to do with politics anymore.  I believe there should be equal power among the house and senate between both parties (which may never be possible) and there should be a better voting mechanism to allow more bills/issues can be voted on by the public.  I also believe that a bill should be brief and too the point and contain only 1 subject.   But this isn’t the issue I want to talk about.

Monday, August 10, 2009

New Promos!!!

Check out my new promos for my netcast, I mean podcast, I mean - you know what I mean. They are only about 30 seconds each - download, enjoy, share with your friends or share with your enemies.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Where's TRJE #55?

I know a lot of people are .... well a bunch of people are .... ok, well, maybe 2 people are wondering where is this weeks podcast?  Why isn't there a personally crafted episode of the Regis Jack Experience?  Well, there seems to be a lot going on at the moment - including moving from one town to another that is interferring with my ability to podcast - but rest assured, I'll get back to them as soon as normally returns.  And I can wait for normal until the cows com home.

What is normal anyway?

Where is home?

What are cows?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Podcast TRJE 041 Error

If you listened to TRJE #041, you may have noticed that after 8min 30 seconds, there was silence for about 6 minutes.  Well maybe not complete silence, but my voice was muted and the background music kept playing.  Oh well, not every episode can be perfect - but don't fret - I'll repeat that segment in episode #42, in the same place so you don't feel like you missed out.

Thanks for listening and I'm so sorry you had to hear it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Self Discovery

Notice:  I've just realized something about self.  Just wanted to let everyone know. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Podcast Name Change

Well, I finally had to give into society - but just a bit.  The podcast will no longer be Satan's Jello Chunks. Seems I'm not allowed to advertise in some spaces because it says "Satan" in the title.  Now this isn't me giving in, it just me trying to reach out to a larger audience so that I can creep out more people.

So now the podcast and website are of the same name - The Regis Jack Experience or TRJE for short.

That's it, no biggie.  See Ya.