Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wilkes Library Con 2012

This weekend was the absolutely huge one day convention at the Wilkes County Library in North Carolina.  Well, maybe not huge, but it was over 330 people - and it's big enough to dress up in costume and talk with old friends and meet new ones!  This Saturday I was there in two costumes, my Renaissance Stormtrooper and my "whatever".  I saw dozen's of different costumes: Stormtroopers, Black Stormtroopers (the armor is black, it's not a racial thing - I know there is a name for this type of trooper, but I can't think of it right now and I expected my color description to help most people anyway as they are not as familiar with Star Wars lore), Boba Fett, a mini Boba Fett (and it was a girl!), a Jawa (very impressive one), Tusken Raider, a tiny Doctor Who, a normal sized Fire Star, Darth Talon, Raven, Spiderman, Batman, zombies, droids and much much more.

I made the local paper (at least it's website).

This woman drew an absolutely adorable picture of me too!

[caption id="attachment_1864" align="alignnone" width="640"]The Renaissance Stormtrooper Brittany Dunn drew this at Wilkes LIbrary Con 2012[/caption]

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Regis' Recent Activity

  1. Yes, it's been 2 weeks since the last podcast.  Stop bothering me. Should be one next week.

  2. New site may seem operational, but it's actually not.  Lots of deleting/importing/exporting going on.

  3. Have lost 16 pounds in the last month.  Cut out excessive sugar and bad eating.

  4. Going through withdrawal for M&Ms

  5. Slutty brownies: Double Stuff Oreo, topped with peanut butter, covered in brownie mix, then baked.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Welcome One and All - and Forgive the Construction

Welcome to my new home on the web. I am Regis Jack, also known as the Distracted Philosopher.  This site is the conglomeration of several of my sites - hopefully all the posts will get along just fine.

This is the new home to my podcast, "The Regis Jack Experience" - a weekly podcast where I talk about whatever the hell I feel like.  Also on this site is my blog (formally at 2 different locations) and a new category known simply as "Stasis Leak" - which houses my fiction writing and poetry.

Right now I've imported a lot of previous work but still have change to make - so if you made it here - please look around.

Everything should be right soon.

- Regis

P.S. Actually things are never right, this site will always be in motion!