Saturday, July 7, 2012

Welcome One and All - and Forgive the Construction

Welcome to my new home on the web. I am Regis Jack, also known as the Distracted Philosopher.  This site is the conglomeration of several of my sites - hopefully all the posts will get along just fine.

This is the new home to my podcast, "The Regis Jack Experience" - a weekly podcast where I talk about whatever the hell I feel like.  Also on this site is my blog (formally at 2 different locations) and a new category known simply as "Stasis Leak" - which houses my fiction writing and poetry.

Right now I've imported a lot of previous work but still have change to make - so if you made it here - please look around.

Everything should be right soon.

- Regis

P.S. Actually things are never right, this site will always be in motion!

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