Was at HickoryCon this past weekend - turn out was a bit slow this year - but that didn't stop me from show up as the Renaissance Stormtrooper and for Regis Jack to appear as, well, I'm not exactly sure. Besides meeting up with friends, I met a comic author, Phil Juliano who writes a comic titled "Best In Show". He's cool, it's cool check it out.
http://bestinshowcomic.com/wordpressYou can also find pictures of me and Regis somewhere on his main page. But if you can't find them, I've included some snapshots here as well.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Regis Jack as ????"]

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="It's Me, Phil, Vader and the infamous Fett"]

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