Thursday, January 26, 2012

Female or Amateur Female?

While browsing ads on my local Craigslist recently, I came across the following:
"Looking for an amateur female or female to take adult style photographs of me (I'm male) I can provide the digital SLR camera also if needed. I do not have a location to shoot, but would be up for shooting at whatever location is comfortable. Contact me if you are interested or have any questions, thanks."

I found so many things interesting about this ad, I had to blog about it.  Let me break it down.

"Looking for an amateur female or female" - I'm not exactly sure of the difference between a female and an amateur female, but I think a female is born with a vagina and an amateur female still has a penis but looks like a mighty fine woman (can someone say Bailey Jay?  Google or Bing the name, you know you want to.)

"to take adult style photographs of me (I'm male)" - Everyone who reads this thinks of one thing and one thing only.  Penis.  Look at my penis.  I'll be naked and I have a penis. Did I say penis?

"I can provide the digital SLR camera also if needed" - This just means he is packing more equipment than just his penis.

"I do not have a location to shoot, but would be up for shooting at whatever location is comfortable." - I'm married and want to meet you at your place or some hotel room.  Your place is better as you may have a cute roommate and after I'm naked and you see my big bad penis we could have a threesome.  Then I'll "hide" the pictures on my hard drive and accidentily post to Facebook and twitter.

I know some of you are thinking that I placed the ad.  Guess you'll have to answer it to find out!

That's they way I see it, sorry you had to read it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Reset; Edit; Cut; Damn It!

So here's the story.  I've been "blogging" on the web long before anyone knew what it was.  I loved to write for the web, posting my ideas, opinions and other stuff for dozens of people to read (only dozens because it was long before good search engines). But eventually everyone was able to blog, I no longer felt special and my drive to write for an anonymous audience left me.  So I stopped blogging and pulled a SOPA on myself!

Then I started a podcast.  That was the ticket.  Podcasts were not as mainstream yet, so I felt a bit like a rebel.  But then that became popular (the medium of podcasting, not my podcast) and I began to question why I was doing any of this.

And then it hit me.  I had started to fall into the, "I care what other people think" mode of thinking.  WTR (what the regis) was wrong with me?  I mean OMFR (oh my fraking regis)!  What had come over me?  Caring about what other people think!  How dare I!

Well, that's going to stop.  And I'm going to start up again - blogging about whatever the hell I feel like and podcasting about whatever the hell I feel like.  I'm moving domain names around and working on a way to shave my sites down into just a few.  I'll have the podcast site (, my blog/writing site (this site, but have a few domains point to it), my professional site (the site under my own name - for my day job) and finally my religion site (a work in progress - had a domain, but never followed through).

2012 will be a year I take back myself and my multiple personalities and get back to being me.

Thanks for listening (or reading), sorry you had to hear (or read) it.