Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finally, I Don't Care

I just returned from spending 4 days at the beach and I have realized that for those 4 days, I didn't give a crap about anything. It was great. But instead of writing some insightful, yet entertaining blog post about, I'm just going to make a list of what I remember from the beach.

  • iPad was great for navigation (although I could really use better directions)

  • Butt Fuzzies

  • My fingers prune when it rains, but in and around the ocean, nope.

  • Bitch Slapped by the waves

  • Naked

  • Dead Jellyfish *sniff*

  • Tiny Crabs (spider-like) used for fishing bait

  • Watching the sunrise, even when it was hazy

  • It burns when I pee now

  • Watching the moon rise

  • Bleeding like a stuck pig

  • Big Ass Hole (three words)

  • Let's talk about drinking (but shoot me in the head first)

  • Sleeping to the sound of the ocean.

That's all for now.  Sorry you had to read it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hickory Con Spring 2011

Was at HickoryCon this past weekend - turn out was a bit slow this year - but that didn't stop me from show up as the Renaissance Stormtrooper and for Regis Jack to appear as, well, I'm not exactly sure.  Besides meeting up with friends, I met a comic author, Phil Juliano who writes a comic titled "Best In Show". He's cool, it's cool check it out.


You can also find pictures of me and Regis somewhere on his main page. But if you can't find them, I've included some snapshots here as well.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Regis Jack as ????"][/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="It's Me, Phil, Vader and the infamous Fett"][/caption]

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ow.ly is 4RAPE

So I was on my Facebook stream and came across a story about the Indiana Government and Planned Parenthood.  The story itself was not important, but they used ow.ly as the service to shorten their URL for the store.  The shortened URL was this  ...


Yes.  You saw that right.  4RAPE for a story about Planned Parenthood!!  I'm not sure if this story will still be there after word gets out, but damn that's a quirk of technology and fate.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Let me take you on a journey, if I may, that leads to the ultimate destruction of my soul.  It won't be short, and I'm sure parts of it will not be worth the trip - like the recent end to Stargate Universe.  I mean, come on!  You knew you were ending the series, why couldn't people die tragically, or get stuck for 3 million years in stasis only to find out a race of beings evolved from your cat and your only companion is a holographic representation of your dead bunk mate.  I admit, I was happy to see where it was going as a show, but FRAK!  I wanted more.  Anyway, where was I.  Oh yeah. Journey, not the band - although they do have some good songs.  Did I mention my mind tends to wander?

Anyway, please join me as I express my feelings and thoughts in small pieces -for better or for worse.

Actually, this will probably be my last post as I get distracted easily.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dark Passenger

In following in the footsteps of my anti-hero Dexter, I have come to terms with the fact that there is a Dark Passenger inside all of us.  It pushes us, urges us, and even dares us to do what some may say is unspeakable. Unfortunately my Dark Passenger is an accountant.